Showing 10–13 of 13 results

Shades of Purple Vase


This glass vase contains a posy of purple seasonal flowers and greenery. Flowers, vase and greenery may vary to what is shown due to availability. Value will be the same.

Pink Asiatic Bouquet


This bouquet contains beautiful pink asiatic lilies (non-perfumed variety) and greenery. Presented in a cellophane wrap and bow.

Asiatic Lily Bouquet (Colour Choice)


A bright, stunning bouquet of (non-perfumed) asiatic lilies and greenery presented in a cellophane wrap and a bow. Choice of 2 colours

Bright Bouquet of Flowers


Bright Bouquet of Flowers


This bouquet is full of mixed seasonal flowers in bright colours including gerberas, roses, chrysanthemums. Choice of 3 sizes

Showing 10–13 of 13 results